StoryBrand Guide | StoryBrand Websites

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StoryBrand Mastery: The Art of Effective Storytelling

I get it, you’re losing customers. I’ve been there too. My message was lost in the crowd, just like yours is. I tried all the marketing tricks, but my sales were flat. 

It was frustrating and expensive. Sound familiar? Here’s how I turned it around.  

Let’s talk about building your StoryBrand Marketing Strategy and crafting your Brandscript.

What I’ve Learned About the Power of Stories in Branding

We all love stories, right? They’re how we connect with each other. And a good story about your brand can do wonders. It’s more than just selling; it’s about trust and loyalty.

Big names like Nike, Coca-Cola, and McDonald’s do more than just sell products. They sell stories. Stories of never giving up, joy, and togetherness.

And guess what? Customers love it. They’d rather hear a story than just see an ad. Forbes even says that stories are 22 times more memorable than facts. 

So how do you tell your brand’s story, no matter how big or small your business is? 

That’s where the StoryBrand Framework comes in.

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What Is the StoryBrand Framework?

Donald Miller developed the StoryBrand Framework. 

It’s a tool that uses classic storytelling elements for your business. It’s designed to help you effectively communicate your brand or product’s value by crafting a narrative that places your customer at the centre. 

Let’s break down these key elements:

  • The Main Character: Every story has a hero or protagonist. In your business story, the hero isn’t your brand; it’s your customer. It personalises your messaging and helps in building your StoryBrand marketing.
  • The Problem: Every hero has a problem they need to overcome, and these are the pain points of your customers. They can be external (a tangible issue), internal (the feelings associated with the problem), and philosophical (a larger belief or injustice related to the problem). 

Understanding these problems is crucial in building your StoryBrand and crafting your Brandscript with the guidance of a StoryBrand guide.

  • The Guide: Here’s where your brand steps in. You’re not the hero of the story but the guide. This role frames your business as a supportive ally, not a self-centred entity.

  • The Plan: As the guide, your brand provides a clear, simple plan to help the hero overcome their problem. It could be your product or service.

  • The Call to Action: The guide urges the hero to take action. In StoryBrand marketing, this could be an invitation to purchase, subscribe, or sign up – a specific step towards the desired solution.

  • The Success: This is the vision of a happy ending, your customer’s desired state. It’s what success looks like once your product or service has helped solve their problems.

  • Avoiding Failure: In contrast to the happy ending, this is the tragic outcome the hero wants to avoid. It highlights what’s at stake, adding a sense of urgency and importance to your brand’s solution.

What Is A StoryBrand Brandscript?

Accompanying these key elements is the Brandscript, a practical tool that guides you through the process of creating your narrative with the StoryBrand Framework. It ensures you create a consistent, engaging narrative that deeply resonates with your customer’s needs, desires, and fears.

Understanding and applying the StoryBrand Framework to create a Brandscript can be challenging. It requires insight, empathy, and a deep understanding of your customer’s journey. 

That’s why working with a StoryBrand guide can be beneficial in building your StoryBrand marketing campaigns and effectively utilising your Brandscript. 

These experts can help you navigate this process effectively, ensuring that your brand’s story hits all the right notes and genuinely connects with your customers.

Example Application of the StoryBrand Framework

Let’s use a website example created by Results and Co, Unbreakable Love.

If you go to their website, you’ll see that it follows the StoryBrand framework elements.

Unbreakable Love’s target customers are couples. So the first thing that you will see on their website is a picture of a couple and a headline that talks about what the customers want and not about how good Unbreakable Love is in helping relationships or their credentials. 

StoryBrand Mastery

You’ll also see that there’s a section that talks about the customers’ problems. 

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Empathy section:

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Authority section:

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Plan section:

StoryBrand Guide | StoryBrand Websites

Success section:

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The key to building your StoryBrand marketing is its focus on the customer. 

Understanding your customers’ struggles and wishes can attract the right people and send a clear message. It makes your brand stand out and helps customers remember and relate to your business.

Another example is Sensor Studios which tells a story about businesses that want videos and photographs in their marketing but don’t know how to do it themselves or how to do it right (the hero with a problem). 

Sensor Studios provides a plan to ensure that business owners will know exactly what to do on the production day (the plan). The call to action is to ‘Schedule a Call.’ Success is when their photographs and videos attract the right clients or do the selling for them.

Here is what their website looks like.

Hero section: The Sensor Studios’ hero section contains their offer (video and photography), a want that will make their customer’s life better (elevate their brand and attract the kind of clients they deserve), and how their clients can get the offer (schedule a call).

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Guide section: This is the guide section that establishes Sensor Studios’ authority. They even have testimonials, client logos, and research. 

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Problem section: This section talks about the hero’s problem.

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Philosophical problem section: This part talks about what the customers deserve (“for their work was showcased in a way that stops the world and shows just how good you are”).

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Plan: 3 steps on how to make it appear like getting what the customers’ want is easy.

StoryBrand Guide | StoryBrand Websites

Success section: This is the goal of the story that should happen. 

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Failure section: This section is a subtle way to say that the possibility of failure is possible if the customers won’t take action, to be left behind by the competition or further destroy their brand with poor quality content. 

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The Important Role of a StoryBrand Guide

Creating a compelling brand story with StoryBrand Framework seems simple, but it’s easy to miss the mark. 

A misguided attempt could lead to wasted time, resources, and potential customers slipping through your fingers. To avoid this, it’s crucial to work with someone who can truly help build your StoryBrand Brandscript.

A StoryBrand guide can help ensure your story connects with your customers. They can assist you in utilising the framework effectively, tailoring your story to align with your customer’s needs and goals. 

Schedule a call with a StoryBrand guide and discover how to leverage the power of storytelling for your business.

Final Thoughts

Is your business struggling with ineffective marketing strategies? Are you losing sleep over slow sales and feeling stuck? 

It’s time to consider a different approach. Harness the power of storytelling through the StoryBrand Framework. 

Let your brand tell a compelling story that directly speaks to your customers.

Work with a StoryBrand guide who can help you through the StoryBrand Framework, ensuring your story fits seamlessly with your customers’ needs and goals.

Don’t let the fear of taking this vital step hold you back in building your StoryBrand. In every great brand story, there’s always a pivotal moment of action.

Is this your moment? Are you ready to work with a StoryBrand guide and make a lasting difference for your business in building your StoryBrand with a Brandscript? 

Don’t leave your success to chance. Schedule a call with a StoryBrand guide today.

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